My blog : Python, Django et pas de cul

Store my pics on cloud

Published March 22, 2016 in Cloud, Deployment - Last update on March 22, 2016.

It's been now more than 4 month I've bought my Fujifilm X-T10 (and it's so cooool) and would like to put my photos on cloud and access them anywhere I want. I would like to store photos in raw JPEG format (4-10MB per photo) and thumbnails for preview.

As many people endorse ...

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I moved to Gandi

Published Feb. 18, 2016 in Cloud, Deployment - Last update on Feb. 18, 2016.

After more than one year with $500 of credits at RunAbove, OVH decided to close its beta compute IaaS. I didn't think it was closing soon and already invest a lot in: I hosted my weblog there, implement libcloud compute driver, have a pending pull request for libcloud storage driver and also plan to ...

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Make programmatically my resume

Published Dec. 3, 2015 in Development, Web - Last update on Dec. 3, 2015.

I'm looking for a new job, so I need to update my resume again. As a Django Dev I should store and display these data in my blog's about page. Because I'm a geek, I chose to write a Django third application for this usage and integrate it in my blog project. Obviously this app is free on GitHub: ZuluPro/django-cv.

For those who don't want to read too much (they are a lot) the result is here:

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I tested all SaaS CI tools

Published Nov. 23, 2015 in Cloud, Deployment, Development - Last update on Nov. 23, 2015.

I really hate Jenkins for several non-objective reasons and it's not a classic hatred, more a life struggle where all episode begin by my signature on an employment contract. Most societies made the effort to open a private Gitlab but ask them to forget Jenkins and move into CI tools into SaaS is clearly unbelievable.

It is ...

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My tox environment

Published Nov. 7, 2015 in Tests and quality - Last update on Nov. 18, 2015.

I have long refused to use tox in my Python projects, I though to test code against multiple version Python was a task which should be made by CI tools. After contribute to several projects, I learned to appreciate it when I want to test code with different aspects. I was wrong and for me ...

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Django is 10 years

Published Oct. 27, 2015 in Development, Web - Last update on Oct. 27, 2015.

The framework is a bit old and has already crossed a little piece of the IT's history. Let's follow the resume of Django's life, its well known third applications, links with Python and related events:

Maybe I should test tests ?

Published Oct. 19, 2015 in Development - Last update on Oct. 19, 2015.

Every one has already test a big sized app realizes he must write his own test framework for make clear tests with easy reading and usage. For example, Django has its own test framework, inherited from unittest, for ease tests for models, views, mails and more. Even with Django I sometimes need to create modules ...

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Why I use RunAbove API instead of OpenStack

Published Sept. 29, 2015 in Cloud - Last update on Sept. 30, 2015.

I recently added RunAbove driver to libcloud codebase and Kami, one of the project owners, asked me why I use the custom RunAbove API instead of the OpenStack one. RunAbove is an OpenStack based cloud and I made the choice to use them API instead of the standard one. It has been accepted in libcloud ...

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Use boto, ensure with moto

Published Sept. 24, 2015 in Cloud, Development - Last update on Sept. 23, 2015.

I work since short time at Outscale, it is a cloud provider using a Amazon like API. Like HP Eucalyptus, Outscale made the choice to copy/paste AWS's API and takes benefits of the most used cloud API with:

  • A well known API with many third part tools
  • A simple transition between them and AWS ...

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Backup with Django

Published Sept. 11, 2015 in Development - Last update on Oct. 16, 2015.

Like all serious data this blog needs to be save in case of disaster and as a cloud native app it should be able to be ran in every platform and to be operational after a backup restored. A Django backup is generaly a database dump coupled with a media files copy.

Instead of use ...

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