As said in previous post about Docker, my blog's Docker Image is only a middleware container. It needs to be launch with a frontend, a database and optionnaly a cache. A solution for get ready to play with a full containerized architecture is docker-compose, with it I followed micro-services architecturing and only define one ...
Docker-composing my blog
Published July 5, 2015 in Docker - Last update on July 7, 2015.
Ansible Part 1: J'ansible, Tu ansibles, il...
Published May 15, 2015 in Deployment, System administration - Last update on July 6, 2015.
Ansible is my favourite deployment and configuration management tools. After tested direct concurrency, Puppet and Chef, my choice naturally went to Ansible.
- 1st it is in Python
- 2nd it has a clear YAML syntax
- 3rd it is simple.
What's the stack
My blog uses a classical Django webstack: Nginx + uWSGI + Django + MySQL. Because I ...