I have long refused to use tox in my Python projects, I though to test code against multiple version Python was a task which should be made by CI tools. After contribute to several projects, I learned to appreciate it when I want to test code with different aspects. I was wrong and for me it should be considered as the first way to build a project for the following topics:
- Creates a clean and isolated environment, useful for dirty VM like mine
- Can run on all available Python versions including PyPy
- Supports jobs matrix
- Manages dependencies
My usecase
My blog is designed as cloud-native so I try make more agnostic as possible, it should support Python 2.7 and >=3.2, Django >= 1.7 and the maximum of database backend. My tox configuration must be a matrix of all this components with some pitfalls: MySQL drivers are not the same in Python 2 & 3 or PyPy must have pure Python dependencies.
Nothing more simple with Tox:
envlist = py{2.6,2.7,pypy,3.2,3.3,3.4,3.5}-django{1.7,1.8}-{sqlite,mysql,postgresql}
passenv = *
basepython =
py2.6: python2.6
py2.7: python2.7
pypypy: pypy
py3.2: python3.2
py3.3: python3.3
py3.4: python3.4
py3.5: python3.5
deps =
django1.7: Django>=1.7,>1.8
django1.8: Django>=1.8,>1.9
postgresql: psycopg2<=2.4.5
mysql: mysqlclient
commands = {posargs:coverage run {toxinidir}/myblog/manage.py test}